"Graduation Day" of Azerbaijan Medical University

On June 28, the "Graduation Day" of Azerbaijan Medical University (AMU) took place. The event was attended by prominent public and political figures, healthcare professionals, and other guests. The ceremony began with the national anthem of Azerbaijan.

The Minister of Health, Teymur Musaev, delivered a congratulatory speech, emphasizing that "Graduation Day" will always be remembered as a significant day by the future doctors.The minister highlighted that the successful development of each state is attributed to historical figures loyal to their people and homeland: "The development of healthcare and medical science, like any other field in our country, is associated with the name of Heydar Aliyev. The national leader considered the health of the population, the progress of healthcare, and the strengthening of its material and technical base as one of the country's priority issues. He also took important measures to create new medical institutions. A graduate of this medical university, the outstanding ophthalmologist academician Zarifa Aliyeva, subsequently maintained ties with her beloved university. Today, Zarifa khanum's students, who have significantly contributed to the development of national healthcare and medical education, continue to work diligently in the preparation of qualified personnel."

It was emphasized that under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, significant achievements have been made in the field of public health: "In recent years, the material and technical base of medical institutions has been strengthened, comprehensive reforms in healthcare financing have been carried out, and targeted work in digitalization and quality medical services is ongoing. The First Vice-President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, and a doctor by profession, Mehriban Aliyeva, always pays special attention and care to medical providers, highly valuing their dedication." It was also noted that in recent years, the international connections of the Medical University with leading educational institutions abroad have been expanding. According to the minister, AMU ranked as the leading state university in Azerbaijan in the prestigious Times Higher Education Impact Ranking: "Azerbaijan Medical University, one of the country's first universities, has been training highly qualified medical personnel for decades. Notably, as part of the COP29 event to be held in Baku in November this year, the topic 'The impact of climate change on human health' has been included in AMU's 'Public Health and Health Organization' curriculum." "Each graduation of Azerbaijan Medical University is a significant event for our country's healthcare. Every year, national healthcare is supplemented with young talented personnel who will join the noble mission for the healthy future of our country," concluded the Minister of Health of Azerbaijan. Wishing the future doctors success in their further work, the university's rector, Professor Geray Geraybeyli, expressed confidence that AMU graduates would proudly represent Azerbaijan around the world and honorably bear the title of a doctor. The rector noted that national leader Heydar Aliyev, as a encourager of youth, took serious steps towards educating a new generation with a broad scope of knowledge and a culture of thinking. He emphasized that the development of education and science is one of the key priorities of state policy: "Under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, special attention is given to the participation of youth in the socio-economic, public-political, and cultural life of the country." The head of the AMU Education Department, Kamandar Yaqubov, provided information about the 2023/2024 academic year graduates of AMU, which included 1189 students. Among them, 813 are Azerbaijani citizens, and 376 are from foreign countries. Additionally, 316 graduated from the First Medical-Prophylactic Faculty, 327 from the Second Medical-Prophylactic Faculty, 44 in "Medical Prevention," 38 in "Physiotherapy and Medical Rehabilitation," and 31 in "Nursing." Moreover, 227 graduated in "Dentistry," 117 in "Pharmacy," 40 as "Military Doctors," and 39 as "Military Paramedics." Additionally, 10 students became the first graduates in the "Military Dentistry" specialty.

The graduates then took the Hippocratic Oath, pledging to stand guard over the health of our people. At the event, graduates who completed their studies with the highest scores were awarded diplomas with distinction, presented by Minister of Health Teymur Musaev and Rector Geray Geraybeyli. Medals were also awarded to 69 graduates of the newly established specialties "Physiotherapy and Medical Rehabilitation" and "Nursing" from the AMU Faculty of Public Health.

In addition, to the 2024 graduates, alumni who graduated from the Azerbaijan State Medical Institute (now Azerbaijan Medical University) 50 years ago also participated in the event. One of them, Associate Professor of the Oncology Department Nasimi Gasymov, in his speech, wished the graduates success in their future work. AMU professors and the graduates' parents expressed confidence that the future doctors would justify the high trust placed in them as representatives of the noble profession through their professional and personal qualities. The event continued with performances by well-known cultural figures and students of AMU's Military Medical Faculty.

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Analitik Ekspertiza Mərkəzi respublikamıza daxil olan dərman vasitələrinin qeydiyyatı, dərman vasitələrinin idxalına icazənin verilməsi, aptek şəbəkəsində dərman vasitələri dövriyyəsinin və təhlükəsizliyinin tənzimlənməsi, özəl tibb və əczaçılıq fəaliyyətləri ilə məşğul olan aptek və digər tibb müəssisələrinin fəaliyyətlərinə nəzarət edilməsi funksiyasını daşıyır. Həmçinin əhali ilə əlaqə yaradaraq dərman vasitələrindən istifadə zamanı rast gəlinən arzuolunmaz təsirlər haqqıında məlumat toplyaraq vətəndaşların səhhətinə zərər yetirə biləcək səbəblərin aradan qaldırılması istiqamətində aktiv fəaliyyət göstərir.

Analitik Ekspertiza Mərkəzi respublikamıza daxil olan dərman vasitələrinin qeydiyyatı, dərman vasitələrinin idxalına icazənin verilməsi, aptek şəbəkəsində dərman vasitələri dövriyyəsinin və təhlükəsizliyinin tənzimlənməsi, özəl tibb və əczaçılıq fəaliyyətləri ilə məşğul olan aptek və digər tibb müəssisələrinin fəaliyyətlərinə nəzarət edilməsi funksiyasını daşıyır. Həmçinin əhali ilə əlaqə yaradaraq dərman vasitələrindən istifadə zamanı rast gəlinən arzuolunmaz təsirlər haqqıında məlumat toplyaraq vətəndaşların səhhətinə zərər yetirə biləcək səbəblərin aradan qaldırılması istiqamətində aktiv fəaliyyət göstərir.