A meeting was held at the Ministry of Health with Baroness Susan Greenfield, a member of the House of Lords of the United Kingdom.

During the business trip of Baroness Susan Greenfield, a member of the House of Lords, former director of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, and a renowned English scientist specializing in brain physiology, a meeting was held at the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan.
Welcoming the guests, Minister of Health Teymur Musayev emphasized that the relations between Azerbaijan and the United Kingdom are developing dynamically.
Teymur Musayev pointed out that there is a great potential for the development of cooperation in the field of healthcare. According to him, there are all opportunities for continuous professional education and exchange of modern methodological and scientific-practical experience between the leading medical experts of both countries: "The healthcare system of the United Kingdom (National Health Service – NHS), which is distinguished by its innovative equipment in clinical practice and highly skilled medical professionals, is one of the most effectively organized healthcare systems in the world. Additionally, British medical universities are famous for the quality of education and the training of highly qualified specialists."
"The relationships between Azerbaijan Medical University and our country's leading medical centers with the 'Royal Institution of Great Britain,' 'Royal Liverpool University Hospital,' 'University College London Hospital,' and other world-renowned universities of the United Kingdom play an important role in the development of healthcare cooperation between our countries," said Azerbaijan's Minister of Health.

Expressing her gratitude for the warm welcome and high hospitality, Susan Greenfield emphasized that the United Kingdom places great importance on strengthening bilateral relations with Azerbaijan. She highlighted that she had visited our country several times to participate in international events, noting that global forums held in the capital of Azerbaijan are always organized at a high level.
Touching upon the expansion of healthcare cooperation between our countries, Susan Greenfield mentioned that significant efforts have been made in recent years to implement reforms aimed at strengthening the healthcare system in Azerbaijan.
During the meeting, an exchange of views also took place on other issues of mutual interest.