The VIII Turkic Medical World Congress and the "Tribute to the History of Medicine and Common Legacy" awards were presented to the health ministers of the Organization of Turkic States member countries.

As previously reported, the Turkic Medical World Congress is being held in Istanbul.
Today, within the framework of the international event, the ceremony of awarding the ministers of health of the member countries of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) was held. The awards of the VIII Turkic Medical World Congress and "Tribute to the history of medicine and common legacy" were presented to the ministers.

Baghdad Amreyev, Secretary General of the OTS, who gave an opening speech at the event, emphasized that due to the successes in recent years, joint steps have been taken within the framework of the Turkic world. The foundation of Turkic unity has been laid. According to him, the OTS is an international organization that encompasses other fields such as politics, economy, culture, trade, and customs.
Baghdad Amreyev expressed confidence that a new stage will be entered at the Summit of the OTS that will be held in Samarkand in November: "Behind this is the will of our people and the determination of the leaders of the member countries of the organization."
The OTS Secretary-General also noted that the organization took purposeful and practical steps during the pandemic.
In turn, Health Minister of Türkiye Fahrettin Koca stated that the COVID-19 pandemic had become both a test for healthcare systems and a test of the strength of friendship between countries: "Together with Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, which are part of the great Turkic world, we became even stronger. From the very beginning of the pandemic, the fraternal countries have shown solidarity. The pandemic has shown the importance of a strong healthcare system. We should become a big family that can produce medical supplies by combining our production facilities. The investments in Türkiye's healthcare system over the last 20 years are obvious. The services provided in Türkiye's city clinics are highly valued worldwide."

Speaking at the awards ceremony of the VIII Turkic Medical World Congress and the "Tribute to the History of Medicine and Common Legacy", Türkiye's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, "We are considering a vision of our common future together with brotherly and friendly countries."
Speaking about the problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the President of Türkiye noted that the postulates of the great Ibn Sina were manifested in the efforts to save humanity from this scourge. According to him, our shared culture is behind the efforts in different regions of the world to treat people not as a tool but as an individual.
The President of Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, presented the Ministers of Health of the member countries of the OTS with the awards of the VIII Turkic Medical World Congress and "Tribute to the History of Medicine and Common Legacy."

After the award ceremony, the guests got acquainted with the stands of the joint business forum and exhibition of the countries of the Turkic world in the field of healthcare. They also spoke with representatives of the companies participating in the exhibition about their achievements and programs for further development.

In conclusion, Minister of Health Teymur Musayev answered questions from representatives of the Azerbaijani media.