- Except for influenza, most of these types of acute respiratory viral infections are mild, do not cause complications, the temperature soon normalizes, symptoms of intoxication such as headache and muscle pain, general weakness subside, appetite improves, sore throat and cough disappear, and the disease results in a short recovery. However, it is possible that the disease, especially in the mentioned risk groups, may be severe, complicated, and cause unwanted consequences.
Taking these into account, when the high temperature lasts for more than 5-7 days, acute weakness, weakness, shortness of breath, suffocation are observed when the fever is not treated, as well as a decrease in oxygen saturation, a decrease in arterial pressure, a feeling of tightness in the chest, pain in various areas. hemorrhages and hemorrhages, signs of unconsciousness, heart rhythm disturbances, severe headaches accompanied by vomiting, neurological deficit, etc. if it happens, you should consult a doctor immediately. These symptoms indicate the severe course of the disease and the development of various complications. The persons included in the risk groups should be under strict medical supervision from the first day of the disease in order to detect and treat any complications that may occur in time.
Each of us can insure ourselves and our loved ones against these diseases and their unfavorable course by following the mentioned recommendations.