Advisor to the Minister of Health, Rufat Hajialibayov: "The main goal of the work being carried out is the formation of a single ecosystem of medical information"

At the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan held a presentation on the project "Digitization of the Pharmaceutical Sector within the Transformation of the Healthcare System." Within the framework of the project, the "Electronic Prescription" system and the corresponding mobile application were introduced. The digitization of the healthcare sector is of great importance. Therefore, the measures implemented by the ministry reflect the continuity of purposeful steps. At the same time, these measures aim to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare services based on innovative approaches by expanding the application of digital tools. We discussed the stages encompassing these processes in more detail with Rufat Hajialibayov, the advisor to the Minister of Health.

- Mr. Rufat, could you first explain briefly to the readers what the concept of "Digital Healthcare" entails?

- Formally, the term "Digital Healthcare" refers to the use of digital technologies in the healthcare sector. This system ensures the collection of necessary medical information for the analysis and evaluation of public health quality both at the individual level and at the national level. The goal of digital healthcare is to consolidate medical information in a unified digital framework within the healthcare sector and to maximize the utilization of this information. The analysis of this information will ensure the high level of care quality, public health concern, efficient management of infrastructure assets, and contribute significantly to the strategic planning of the healthcare sector.

- What were the initial steps taken by the Ministry of Health in the implementation of digital healthcare?

- The first steps towards digitization in healthcare began in 2006 and were determined by the requirements of that period. Initially, this included the creation of IT infrastructure, the implementation of various digital medical registries within the framework of the citizen's health card system, the nationwide medical personnel accounting system, the implementation of electronic services, including the registry for determining disability, and many other measures in this direction.

I would like to note that in previous years, specialists from the Center for Healthcare Informatics have done significant work in the field of digitizing the sector. Today, the Ministry of Health's Unified Healthcare Information System operates 20 electronic systems, including more than 70 program modules, many of which were created by the center's specialists.

- In the modern world, what has changed in the requirements for digital healthcare? Which tasks do you prioritize in this area?

- First and foremost, the role of medical data, which is essential for analyzing the health status of citizens, has increased. The analysis of medical data collected throughout citizens' lifetimes allows for a better understanding of the causes of diseases, more accurate diagnosis, and the prescription of the most suitable treatment.

In the field of radiology, artificial intelligence data and algorithms are invaluable tools for early diagnosis of diseases. Furthermore, the analysis of big data enables the optimization of processes and sector financing, the prevention of the spread of pandemics, the improvement of healthcare quality, and the establishment of management models that prioritize the extension of citizens' lifespan.

This fundamental technological approach is already being used in modern healthcare practices in developed countries.

Digitization is a priority on the agenda of the Ministry of Health as part of the sector's transformation. Digitization will strengthen advances in the medical field, create a solid foundation for medical achievements, and ensure the continuous and planned development of medicine in the country.

In accordance with the relevant Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Digital Healthcare Strategy, developed within the framework of the working group of the "Health Transformation Center," focuses on ensuring a digital ecosystem that enables citizens to receive effective and timely care.

The main task we are working on is the formation of a unified medical information ecosystem that encompasses all healthcare institutions in the country and ensures continuous access to this information for medical professionals. Most importantly, it involves integrating medical data into the decision-making process for diagnosing diseases and determining the most effective treatment methods.

The main source of information will be the "Citizen's Medical Digital Profile" registry, which will reflect all information related to the health of citizens from birth to death. Looking at this matter more broadly, we can say that the information will cover the entire period from a citizen's visit to a maternity hospital to the transplantation of organs (if the citizen has consented to the use of their organs as a donor after death).

This registry will centralize all medical history, diagnoses, treatment methods, test results, radiology, prescriptions, and other information collected throughout one's life, including the genetic predisposition to diseases, for in-depth analysis by physicians and identification of the causes of diseases. It will enable accurate diagnosis and the determination of the most effective treatment methods. The collected medical data will be instrumental in macro-analysis of the health status of the entire population, planning the development of medical services, using efficient economic models, developing human resources, and agile planning for the sector's development to implement priority tasks in healthcare.

- The Ministry announced the creation of new digital platforms. Can you mention any of them based on their importance?

- If you're asking about significant applications, I would like to mention the electronic tracking system for psychological support and medical rehabilitation for war veterans and the families of martyrs, prepared within the framework of the working group of the "Call Center" of the Ministry of Health. This is a socially significant initiative of the state aimed at providing care for those who sacrificed their health in the struggle for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country. The mentioned electronic system within a unified digital framework allows for real-time monitoring of citizens' applications and their routing to the relevant medical institutions under the Ministry of Health. Moreover, depending on the subject of the application, this system directs the execution to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, the State Agency for Mandatory Health Insurance, the Management Union of Medical Territorial Divisions, and the YAŞAT Foundation.

Employees of the "Call Center" proactively maintain contact not only with citizens' daily applications but also with war veterans and the families of martyrs, identifying their possible needs and current problems. In necessary cases, applications are registered in the system and resolved jointly with state agencies participating in the system.

From April 2023 to the present day, employees of the "Call Center" have proactively contacted more than 50,000 cases. In addition to providing necessary medical assistance to thousands of citizens, other structures participating in this system have also helped address social issues.

- Could you provide more detailed information about the "Electronic Prescription" system announced earlier this year?

- Within the framework of the "Strategic Roadmap for the Development of Telecommunications and Information Technologies in the Republic of Azerbaijan," the creation of the "Electronic Prescription" system was entrusted to the Ministry of Health to ensure the effectiveness of regulation in the pharmaceutical sector. The system created is a unified registry for the registration and management of prescriptions for medicinal products prescribed to citizens in both public and private healthcare institutions in the country. All citizens receiving services under compulsory medical insurance, those belonging to privileged categories, as well as citizens receiving services under private medical insurance and those without insurance can use the "Electronic Prescription" system.

This solution, available on both personal computers and mobile devices, features a very convenient and intuitive interface allowing physicians to prescribe medications based on officially registered medicinal products and international classification of diseases. Citizens will be able to view all prescriptions written for them in a simple and easily readable format on their interface. The mobile application, "," can be downloaded from both the website and the "AppStore" and "Google Play" app stores. The system allows prescriptions to be written based on active ingredients, giving the recipient the freedom to choose when purchasing medication. In the future, integrating the registry of medicinal product circulation with the prescription registry and integrating it with the information database of the control-cash register apparatus will strengthen control over transactions made during the sale of medicinal products, including monitoring the spread and sale of counterfeit and unregistered medicinal products.

This registry also serves as a source of medical information for citizens and will be integrated with the "Citizen's Medical Digital Profile" system to ensure the completeness of medical information in the citizen's digital profile. It is also noteworthy that the "Electronic Prescription" system is one of the main initiatives in improving the quality of medical services and digitizing the country's healthcare sector. It is very commendable that we have implemented this project in the initial stage of healthcare transformation.

- In addition to managing the healthcare system, digitization of healthcare aims to transform the practical activities of doctors in local areas and improve their digital skills. How are these processes being implemented?

- To implement these processes, the relevant department of the Center for Healthcare Informatization conducts online training courses during the application of new electronic systems, which are clear and evident. Training video materials are distributed, and rules for using electronic systems are sent out. It is worth noting that the training process has been established and improved over the years. Experience shows that it is possible to train medical personnel in various systems within two months.

The "National Strategy for Digital Healthcare for 2024-2028" includes steps in the direction of implementing educational content on the use of digital skills in healthcare before obtaining a diploma at the Azerbaijan Medical University and medical colleges. To this end, relevant content and curricula will be prepared. The training of existing medical personnel can be carried out at the Azerbaijan State Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors and with the resources of the relevant department of the Center for Healthcare Informatization.

- What work is being done by the Ministry for the future implementation of innovations such as telemedicine?

- Of course, significant work is being carried out in this direction. To identify the most promising telemedicine scenarios for our healthcare, we have even implemented a pilot project based on two medical scientific research institutes. The result of the pilot project has demonstrated the effectiveness of using telemedicine in reducing the burden of citizens' visits (only agreeing on steps that do not require physical attendance or only initial consultation) when initially applying to a medical institution. In addition, the positive effect of telemedicine services has also been demonstrated in explaining medical examinations to citizens. Therefore, there is no need for citizens to reapply to medical institutions for further explanations. These are the first and significant advantages of implementing telemedicine that reduce the burden on healthcare providers, increase personalized assistance to the population by doctors, and reduce the time and financial costs of citizens applying to medical institutions. Considering the large number of citizens coming from remote regions to the capital, this is also a very important factor in reducing carbon dioxide emissions related to logistics, an urgent issue affecting global climate change.

We are also planning to study scenarios for remote monitoring of patients through telemedicine. This will help determine the demand for the service when applied to the country's healthcare system. In addition, relevant legislation is required for the implementation of this type of service. Therefore, we must work together with relevant state regulators and participating structures in the process.

- What has not yet been realized in digital medicine? What steps do you plan to take to reach a new level?

- Over the past two years, significant work has been done, from the preparation of the "National Strategy for Digital Healthcare for 2024-2028" to the extensive implementation of various technological projects across the country. These include systems such as "Electronic Prescription," "Monitoring and Tracking of Medicinal Products," "Electronic Bulletin," "Electronic Discharge Summary," and others, as well as electronic systems for monitoring applications within the framework of providing psychological support and medical rehabilitation to war veterans and the families of martyrs. If you know what and how to do, you can overcome all difficulties. The successive implementation of the digital healthcare strategy will bring significant advantages to technology applications in this sector, primarily to its stakeholders. This will significantly elevate healthcare in the country to a new level.

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Analitik Ekspertiza Mərkəzi respublikamıza daxil olan dərman vasitələrinin qeydiyyatı, dərman vasitələrinin idxalına icazənin verilməsi, aptek şəbəkəsində dərman vasitələri dövriyyəsinin və təhlükəsizliyinin tənzimlənməsi, özəl tibb və əczaçılıq fəaliyyətləri ilə məşğul olan aptek və digər tibb müəssisələrinin fəaliyyətlərinə nəzarət edilməsi funksiyasını daşıyır. Həmçinin əhali ilə əlaqə yaradaraq dərman vasitələrindən istifadə zamanı rast gəlinən arzuolunmaz təsirlər haqqıında məlumat toplyaraq vətəndaşların səhhətinə zərər yetirə biləcək səbəblərin aradan qaldırılması istiqamətində aktiv fəaliyyət göstərir.

Analitik Ekspertiza Mərkəzi respublikamıza daxil olan dərman vasitələrinin qeydiyyatı, dərman vasitələrinin idxalına icazənin verilməsi, aptek şəbəkəsində dərman vasitələri dövriyyəsinin və təhlükəsizliyinin tənzimlənməsi, özəl tibb və əczaçılıq fəaliyyətləri ilə məşğul olan aptek və digər tibb müəssisələrinin fəaliyyətlərinə nəzarət edilməsi funksiyasını daşıyır. Həmçinin əhali ilə əlaqə yaradaraq dərman vasitələrindən istifadə zamanı rast gəlinən arzuolunmaz təsirlər haqqıında məlumat toplyaraq vətəndaşların səhhətinə zərər yetirə biləcək səbəblərin aradan qaldırılması istiqamətində aktiv fəaliyyət göstərir.