A meeting was held at the Ministry of Health with the ambassador of Kuwait to our country

A meeting was held at the Ministry of Health with Abdullah Mohamed Abdullah Almauidi, the extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the State of Kuwait to our country. Welcoming the guests, Minister of Health Teymur Musayev highlighted that the bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Kuwait continue successfully in many areas. The minister also emphasized the importance of high-level mutual visits in expanding interstate relations.
Teymur Musayev stated that there is great potential for the development of bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Kuwait in the field of health as well. Emphasizing that President Ilham Aliyev pays great attention and importance to the development of national health, the minister noted that modernizing, digitalizing, developing human capital, and strengthening the health economy are among priority issues of Azerbaijan: “In this regard, Azerbaijan places special importance on studying advanced international experiences, conducting mutual exchanges, and applying them in our country.”
The minister also mentioned that the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP29) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change will be held in Azerbaijan this November: “The head of state has emphasized that the decision to hold COP29 in our country with the unanimous support of the international community is a manifestation of great confidence in Azerbaijan.”
In conclusion, Health Minister of Azerbaijan expressed confidence that cooperation will be further developed in the future.

In turn, Abdullah Mohamed Abdullah Almauidi emphasized that interstate relations are at a high level, noting the existence of historical and traditional friendly relations between our countries.
The diplomat also expressed his country's interest in expanding cooperation with Azerbaijan in the field of health and medical science.
During the meeting, the importance of medical education and the training of professional personnel in this field, as well as the exchange of experiences between medical universities and national health institutions, was emphasized.